Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mojo, Keyna, Juno

On June 11 my mom got me and my sister a kitten. Mine was striped and her name was Kenya. My sisters cat was black and her name was mojo. About five day ago i went outside to feed them and you always call their names and they come. well mojo came but Kenya didn't! At that time i really didn't care i thought she was out and just didn't hear me,but one week later she still haven't came my mom said a hawk got her! I was so upset that my mom took me to go look at other kittens i found one. She is black and white and her name was Juno. I went outside the next morning and my dad was out walking around the barn. I went over and asked what he was doing and he was looking for Juno! She got out. I have been looking for her all day!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dental day!

Hey i just got my braces tightened and got my teeth clean at the dental office!My braces hurt so bad right now i just got a new brace on one of my teeth that is not that far down.Then one hour later i had to get my teeth cleaned it didnt hurt but it was annoying!I hdad to all kids of thing today including my teeth lol!ttyl


Friday, June 12, 2009

The E.N.D.

Hey everyone i just got the new black eyed peas cd and it is so good! There is a whole new cd that has 15 new sonds on it and a cd that has 10 other old hits that had been remixed. There is so many good songs on it including Boom Boom pow, Imma be, Missing you, Ring-a-ling and a lot more on the new cd. On the remixed cd there is the Pump it harder, Shut the funk up and lets get it re-started in here and many more. Its a really good cd you should go out snd buy it!



Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hey today is Sunday June 7 and i hate the weather! Ever since i have gotten out of school it has rained every day! Their has not been one sunny day this whole summer break. I am so mad because where i live every other summer it was always like 95 every day! Now the high is 70 if we are lucky. So i can never go swimming because its not hot enough the summer is so boring! Also my sister just got her tonsils out and she has been stuck on the couch for the past 4 days on pain!! I feel bad for her because i kno wat if feels like i had mine out in September and it worse because i was older it really did suck! So my summer has been suckish all week!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Holy cow!

Ok so my friend has this on her blog and i though it was so cool!Here it is check it out on youtube! o check it out!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Last day!

Hi me again OK tomorrow is my last day of school! We have our first period classes the we have to clean our lockers then we have a class party and play games and a ton of fun things! After that is all over we have year book signing from 11:00am to 11:30am and we get out at 11:30. After school is done i am going over to my best friends house until 1:00pm and then we are going swimming with a bunch of class mates. I am going to stay the night and all day the next day!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Twin day and May Fair!

Hi today we had twin and May fair. In twin day we picked a friends and were twins. Me and my Friend Jenna were a twin. We wore green plaid pants, and a green shirt, Ugg flips flops, and same earrings and our hair in high pony tails. Second today we had May fair. May fair is like our schools carnival. We had a water balloon fight, face painting, Karaoke, Photo booth and much much more. Today was really fun!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I pulled a prank!

Hi it's me and like a month ago me and my friends Aspen and Jordyn pulled a prank. We made up a fake stalker for my friend Jenna. We made up a email and had the name as Mikey Hanper. We e-mailed her on "Mikey's e-mail" and said Do you wana go out? She totally freaked and came to school the next day and told us that she had a stalker. We laughed and she didn't know why. When I got home that day I got on IM and on the email I emailed her as Mikey and IMed her as me it was funny. I finally told her after like a hour of emailing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hi in blogging class we made this. Is it cool? If u like it post a coment.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My favorite part of the school year and what i didnt and what i am doing over the summer

Hi in blogging class today we have to write about that what our favorite part of the school year and what was our wasn't. My favorite was spending the night at YMCA. We got there and we had to go into our bedrooms we got to have 5 kids in a room. All the kids in my room we all my best friends except for my Friends Jordyn and Aspen. We went swimming and roller skating and played volleyball in the sand. When we went swimming we went a 8:00 at night and when we headed back we were all frozen! I had all had to take a shower. We had to eat all this gross food ! We ate breakfast there and lunch and dinner it was all so gross. We stayed up all night my friend Elysia was so annoying She had this ball that she was throwing at everyone and we were up until 1am because of that. We had to leave the next day day 12:00pm we were all bum bed out!

The least favorite thing in the school year is doing finals and AR, I didn't like doing finals because I had to study all week and it wasn't to fun but it paid off. The lowest grade I got was a 85. The other thing that I hated doing was AR we had to read all the time in the first quarter I had to read 15 Ar points. In the second 20, Third 25, Fourth 30. It is hard because books as thick as Twilight are only 18 points.

Over the summer I am not doing anything. We are going to stay at our house and we are going to the pool and that's all. For our vacation we are going in December for Christmas instead. I get to get to go to Eliches all the time because we get season passes every year. We go almost every week with my friend Aspen and my family.


Friday, May 8, 2009


In blogging class we had to make something in photoshop. This is what I made.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pics i made

Today in blogging we had to do these two thing in photoshop They are called smashed photos.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I made it!

I made this in Photoshop!

Alice in wonderland

Hi it is my Countrygirl123 and in school we are doing a play we are doing Alice in Wonderland. I am Lilly one of the snotty flowers. We sing a song called In the golden Afternoon. One of my best friends is Alice we are preforming next week on Friday and Saturday. I am really excited. I am getting kinda sick of doing it every other day and one day after school for 3 HOURS! It is only fun when I am my main character. It is not as fun when I am in the chorus. One of my other friends is the dodo bird and she is good at it. she sings a song called the caucus race.



Friday, April 24, 2009

Cell Phones while driving!

Hi today in blogging class we have to write about if we think people while driving should be able to talk on the cell phones. I think that people should not be aloud to talk on the phone while driving. I think that because there would be less accidents. There would be less because people would pay more attention to the road not to their cell phones. I think there should be hand free devices because if there was a real emergency you would not have something to get a hold with 911. Such as a blue tooth. That I why I think there shouldn't be any cell phones while driving.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain Rain and more rain

Hi its me and our blog topic today is what we did this weekend. To begin I did a ton this weekend. First when I got home from school I had to go out in the rain and help my mom. We had a rainstorm that lasted 3 DAYS!
Here is my story when it rained 7 in. It all stared all on Thursday April 15, 2009. On Friday it had already rained about 5 in. Also the window well was flooded and was starting to go into the basement. My Mom and I had to go outside in the rain and bucket water out of the window well. Finally we got it all out. My moms horse broke his hip in 2008 so he gets really cold easily. He was so cold we had to call our neighboor and ask if he could stay in their barn. We had to walk him and another one of our horses to the barn with him to stay with him so he would not be scared. I was so wet by that time. When we got back we had to feed our other horses and the barn was now flooded at that time! It was a total mess! Now that the water is all gone my mom and I have to scrape all the mud out of the barn. I really am not looking forward to doing that! After it all that happened we ended up with 7 inches of rain at our house!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Favorite movie

Hi today in blogging class we have to write about our favorite movie. My favorite movie will probably would have to be Twilight. I like this movie because it is about a vampire who falls in love with a girl named Bella. There vampire's name is Edward and he has a family that are vampires but they don't eat people they only drink the blood of animals. So they call themselves vegetarians but in a different way. The second movie is coming out in the fall. I am really excited to see it come out. There is a series it is called the Twilight saga. The first book is called Twilight,the second book is called New Moon,the third is called Eclipse,the fourth and the last is called Breaking Dawn. I am on the second book.


Friday, April 10, 2009

If a had $5000

Hi in blogging today we have to do a post about if we had 5000 dollars what would we do with it. I would probably buy a ton of things. I would invite all my friends to a shopping spree at our local mall. I would go into Holister were all my clothing is from and buy a ton of stuff even know they are really expensive. Also then I would go into Ambercrombie and buy even more. Another store where all my clothing is from. That is what I would do if I had $5000.


Monday, April 6, 2009


Today in blogging we have to post about 10 of the websites that we use most often.
  1. Yahoo(I use yahoo to check my e-mail)
  2. Youtube(I go here to watch something funny)
  3. Zwinky(I play on there a lot)
  4. Miniclips(A website that has more than a 100 games on it)
  5. Google(I go there to look up something)
  6. My blog(I go here to do this)
  7. Craigslist(I go there to look at horses, we are looking for a new horse)
  8. Gmail(To check my other e-mail)
  9. My friends blogs(I go here to check there latest postes)
  10. Our schools website(I go here to check my grades)




Today in blogging class we have to write about who we admire most our Dad or Mom. Today I am doing my Mom. Here are some things that I admire most about my Mom. First she takes my places that are really fun like we did on spring break. In the last post she took me and my brother and sister swimming with our friends. We try to do that fun stuff as much as we can. Thanks to her we probably go swimming about once a week or even more. Second she will go out and buy me things that I really don't need like a new pair of pants or shoes. Third she will take me on a ride with our horses and go to the store later that night. Lastly I admire her because she is always there for me when I get sick she takes they day off from work to stay home with me. I love her a lot! There are some of the things that I admire most about her.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring break!!

I know I haven't posted in a long time but here I am to tell you about what I did when I wasn't doing posts. This week was spring break and I went to a swimming pool and with my friend Aspen. We did a lot of things there we went off the diving board and I did a flip and then did a belly flop and it relly hurt and it felt like hitting the water really hard.
Then we did races in the lap pool the water was really cold and really blue. Aspen won every time and she was really fast, it sucked! After the swimming was done and we went out to eat, and it tasted really good! Then Aspen came to my house for a sleep over and we wached the movie Twilight. I have seen it now 4 times. I think it is a really good movie. I have read the book and it was really different but still it was really good! When the big snow storm hit we had to stay inside. The snow was so bright I had to wear sunglasess. I was kinda sad because we were going to ride my horses. That was some of my spring break. I had a really good time the whole week we were out.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


In these tough times here are some way I think you could save money$! First try to cut back on all the shopping! Only buy what you need to buy! Second don't go out to dinner all the time just eat at home with your family. Last but not least don't go places that are expensive. Do things with your friends or get a movie from redbox. That is some ways I think you can save some money around here.i got this pic from;_ylt=A9G_bHN5XMFJiPIAUymJzbkF?p=+cartoon+money&fr=yfp-t-113&ei=utf-8&vm=r&x=wrt&y=Search



Monday, March 16, 2009


Hi in blogging class we did this! what do you think?



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ugg and Bearpaw

Hi it's countrygirl123 and in blogging class today we have to write a post about comparing things the first product that I am comparing is UGG shoes to Bearpaw shoes.

First Product:UGG:

1.Really cute

2.Nice quality

3. Collections of all season

4. Have sheepskin

1. Really Exspensive

2. Don't get wet or you will ruin them

Second Product: Bearpaw:

2.Have sheep skin

1.Bad quality
2.Break down easy


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hi today in blogging class we have to make a picture in photoshop. I did a frog! A frog is one of my favorite animals.:) but the kind of frog i picked is poisonous.Thanks

Monday, March 2, 2009

Most fun thing i have done latley

The most fun thing I have done latley is I went and rode my horses with my friend Alex and my moms friends. It was really fun we went to a lake and rode around it. Then when we where done riding I got to jump on my tramp with Alex. We jumped until 8:00 pm, then we had to go in:( And that was my weekend I had a good time.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

iPod touch

Hey it's countrygirl123 and I am getting a iPod- touch!!!!!!!:) Yeah, if you do not know what a iPod is well you should. It is so cool I am getting one after school!!! You can do all kind of things: listen to music, e-mail, take pics, and play fun games. I think that you should get one. Yeah I think you should.:=)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GPS in kids' cell phones

I think that gps in kids cell phones is a good thing. I that is a good think because if you son or daughter went over to their friends house and they went outside and they didn't come back for a long thime you could find them and go get them. If they ran away you could locate were they are and bring them home. That is why I think that kids should have gps in kids cell phones.:)


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

David Cook

Hi it's me countrygirl123 and the winner of of Seaon 7 on American Idol was David Cook!! I think he is the best winner so far other than Carrie Underwood. I think he is a great singer!!!!!

I got this pic from google.,0.jpg




HI it's countrygirl123 and in blogging class we have to write about something that we are going to make somthing. I'm going to make Duncan Hines cupcakes.This is what you will need.
  • 1 Bowl

  • 1 spoon

  • the cake mix

  • 1 1/4 cups of water

  • 1/2 of vegetable oil

  • 3 large eggs

Then preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Then is how you can make it! Put the ingredients into the bowl :)

Then mix all of the ingredients together!

Then you need to pour the batter into the cupcake pan.

Then when the oven is ready put your yummy cupcakes into the oven. Let them cook for 19-20 minutes.

When they are done let them cool for 10-20 minutes. When they are ready its is optional to put frosting on. Also you can put on the sprinkles! Then you have a yummy cupcake that you can eat

Friday, February 13, 2009


Hi's its the day before Valentines Day I want to say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Things that Ilive about Valentines Day is you get Chocolate and sweet balloons. Also a thing that I love is that you get Valentines cards. They can be boring and stupid. Or they can be fun and Exciting

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carrie Underwood

Hi it's me countrygirl123 and I think that the best county singer is Carrie Underwood. She won the 4th season of American idol. She has a voice range that most people cannot reach. She is a 24 year old Singer from Texas. I got this pic is from



Thursday, February 5, 2009

Best Actress

I would have to say that my favorite actress is Kristen Stewart. She is really cool! She acted as Bella in Twilight and she did a great job! I hope she has many other jobs in movies.I found this pic here:


I got this picture from
Hi it's countrygirl123 and in class today we have to write about what Disney character we are most like . I would have to say that i'm most like Jessie in Toy Story. I would be most like Jessie because she is a countrygirl like I am. We both have a horse. My horses name is Joe her horses name Bullseye.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

quarter horse

Hi it's countrygirl123 and I am here to talk about my fav kind of horses. My fav kind of horses are quarter horse I have 3 quarter horses back home. Their names are Joe, Lance, Willy. Joe is a 3 year old palomino querter horse. Lance ia a 21 year old paint. Willy is a 2 year old buckskin. To find these picturse just go to google a type in horses. top left buckskin, center palomino, right paint



Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Cutie

Hi it's Countrygirl123. I would have to say that my cutie is my 3 year old palomino horse Joe! I do a lot of stuff with him! That I ride him about once a week. We might be going into 4-H.Which is a riding show my mom and aunt and grandma were in it. You do western pleasure, halter, and jumping. I LOVE JOE!!!


Monday, January 26, 2009


Hi it's me Countrygirl123 and I am writing a list that has all my friends they are not ranked!I LOVE MY FRIENDS!













Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pain and more Pain

The most painful thing that happed to me is probably when I got accidentally got kicked in the face by my moms horse Omar and broke my nose. We were taking Christmas pictures when my 1 year old QH Buckskin named Willy freaked out and my moms horse Omar's halter got tangled with Willy's and he pulled and I fell of my horse and I fell under Omar and Omar jumped and when Omar jumped he accidentally hit me with his hoof.



Tuesday, January 20, 2009


If I could have an awesome b-day party I would invite all my friends to go to the Bahamas. We would stay one week and hang out on the beach and go swimming and have lots of water games such as water basketball. Also we would go scuba diving and see many kids of fish, sharks, and jellyfish. Last we would go shopping, and get our hair done in braids.



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Animal Neglact

Have you ever heard of neglect? Well neglect is where people don't care of their animals. Say you have a horse. If you dont feed it or take care of it that would be called neglect.Neglect is very BAD!!!!! A definition of neglect is= to leave undone or unattended to especially through carelessness.



Monday, January 12, 2009


Welcome to my blog!!!!!!!!!!In my blog you will find stuff about horses. Also about famous barrel racers and jockeys. Even things about the book i am reading New Moon by Stephanie Meyer.