Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My favorite part of the school year and what i didnt and what i am doing over the summer

Hi in blogging class today we have to write about that what our favorite part of the school year and what was our wasn't. My favorite was spending the night at YMCA. We got there and we had to go into our bedrooms we got to have 5 kids in a room. All the kids in my room we all my best friends except for my Friends Jordyn and Aspen. We went swimming and roller skating and played volleyball in the sand. When we went swimming we went a 8:00 at night and when we headed back we were all frozen! I had all had to take a shower. We had to eat all this gross food ! We ate breakfast there and lunch and dinner it was all so gross. We stayed up all night my friend Elysia was so annoying She had this ball that she was throwing at everyone and we were up until 1am because of that. We had to leave the next day day 12:00pm we were all bum bed out!

The least favorite thing in the school year is doing finals and AR, I didn't like doing finals because I had to study all week and it wasn't to fun but it paid off. The lowest grade I got was a 85. The other thing that I hated doing was AR we had to read all the time in the first quarter I had to read 15 Ar points. In the second 20, Third 25, Fourth 30. It is hard because books as thick as Twilight are only 18 points.

Over the summer I am not doing anything. We are going to stay at our house and we are going to the pool and that's all. For our vacation we are going in December for Christmas instead. I get to get to go to Eliches all the time because we get season passes every year. We go almost every week with my friend Aspen and my family.


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