Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hey today is Sunday June 7 and i hate the weather! Ever since i have gotten out of school it has rained every day! Their has not been one sunny day this whole summer break. I am so mad because where i live every other summer it was always like 95 every day! Now the high is 70 if we are lucky. So i can never go swimming because its not hot enough the summer is so boring! Also my sister just got her tonsils out and she has been stuck on the couch for the past 4 days on pain!! I feel bad for her because i kno wat if feels like i had mine out in September and it worse because i was older it really did suck! So my summer has been suckish all week!



  1. I haven't done the purple hair strip thingy yet because it's not been very good weather I've been stuck inside every day this week not gone pretty much anywhere, so i'd just have to look in the mirror my mom says the kool-aid only lasts a week unless u dont' wash ur hair lol so ya i'm gonna tlk to her about it during lunch today ttyl

  2. ooooh wat purple hair strip??? i asked my dad about getting a blue strip, but he sed i would have to bleach it first, then dye it blue because i have black hair. and he sed it could turn out orange or something so im not gonna do it :(
