Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I made it!

I made this in Photoshop!

Alice in wonderland

Hi it is my Countrygirl123 and in school we are doing a play we are doing Alice in Wonderland. I am Lilly one of the snotty flowers. We sing a song called In the golden Afternoon. One of my best friends is Alice we are preforming next week on Friday and Saturday. I am really excited. I am getting kinda sick of doing it every other day and one day after school for 3 HOURS! It is only fun when I am my main character. It is not as fun when I am in the chorus. One of my other friends is the dodo bird and she is good at it. she sings a song called the caucus race.



Friday, April 24, 2009

Cell Phones while driving!

Hi today in blogging class we have to write about if we think people while driving should be able to talk on the cell phones. I think that people should not be aloud to talk on the phone while driving. I think that because there would be less accidents. There would be less because people would pay more attention to the road not to their cell phones. I think there should be hand free devices because if there was a real emergency you would not have something to get a hold with 911. Such as a blue tooth. That I why I think there shouldn't be any cell phones while driving.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rain Rain and more rain

Hi its me and our blog topic today is what we did this weekend. To begin I did a ton this weekend. First when I got home from school I had to go out in the rain and help my mom. We had a rainstorm that lasted 3 DAYS!
Here is my story when it rained 7 in. It all stared all on Thursday April 15, 2009. On Friday it had already rained about 5 in. Also the window well was flooded and was starting to go into the basement. My Mom and I had to go outside in the rain and bucket water out of the window well. Finally we got it all out. My moms horse broke his hip in 2008 so he gets really cold easily. He was so cold we had to call our neighboor and ask if he could stay in their barn. We had to walk him and another one of our horses to the barn with him to stay with him so he would not be scared. I was so wet by that time. When we got back we had to feed our other horses and the barn was now flooded at that time! It was a total mess! Now that the water is all gone my mom and I have to scrape all the mud out of the barn. I really am not looking forward to doing that! After it all that happened we ended up with 7 inches of rain at our house!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Favorite movie

Hi today in blogging class we have to write about our favorite movie. My favorite movie will probably would have to be Twilight. I like this movie because it is about a vampire who falls in love with a girl named Bella. There vampire's name is Edward and he has a family that are vampires but they don't eat people they only drink the blood of animals. So they call themselves vegetarians but in a different way. The second movie is coming out in the fall. I am really excited to see it come out. There is a series it is called the Twilight saga. The first book is called Twilight,the second book is called New Moon,the third is called Eclipse,the fourth and the last is called Breaking Dawn. I am on the second book.


Friday, April 10, 2009

If a had $5000

Hi in blogging today we have to do a post about if we had 5000 dollars what would we do with it. I would probably buy a ton of things. I would invite all my friends to a shopping spree at our local mall. I would go into Holister were all my clothing is from and buy a ton of stuff even know they are really expensive. Also then I would go into Ambercrombie and buy even more. Another store where all my clothing is from. That is what I would do if I had $5000.


Monday, April 6, 2009


Today in blogging we have to post about 10 of the websites that we use most often.
  1. Yahoo(I use yahoo to check my e-mail)
  2. Youtube(I go here to watch something funny)
  3. Zwinky(I play on there a lot)
  4. Miniclips(A website that has more than a 100 games on it)
  5. Google(I go there to look up something)
  6. My blog(I go here to do this)
  7. Craigslist(I go there to look at horses, we are looking for a new horse)
  8. Gmail(To check my other e-mail)
  9. My friends blogs(I go here to check there latest postes)
  10. Our schools website(I go here to check my grades)




Today in blogging class we have to write about who we admire most our Dad or Mom. Today I am doing my Mom. Here are some things that I admire most about my Mom. First she takes my places that are really fun like we did on spring break. In the last post she took me and my brother and sister swimming with our friends. We try to do that fun stuff as much as we can. Thanks to her we probably go swimming about once a week or even more. Second she will go out and buy me things that I really don't need like a new pair of pants or shoes. Third she will take me on a ride with our horses and go to the store later that night. Lastly I admire her because she is always there for me when I get sick she takes they day off from work to stay home with me. I love her a lot! There are some of the things that I admire most about her.