Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring break!!

I know I haven't posted in a long time but here I am to tell you about what I did when I wasn't doing posts. This week was spring break and I went to a swimming pool and with my friend Aspen. We did a lot of things there we went off the diving board and I did a flip and then did a belly flop and it relly hurt and it felt like hitting the water really hard.
Then we did races in the lap pool the water was really cold and really blue. Aspen won every time and she was really fast, it sucked! After the swimming was done and we went out to eat, and it tasted really good! Then Aspen came to my house for a sleep over and we wached the movie Twilight. I have seen it now 4 times. I think it is a really good movie. I have read the book and it was really different but still it was really good! When the big snow storm hit we had to stay inside. The snow was so bright I had to wear sunglasess. I was kinda sad because we were going to ride my horses. That was some of my spring break. I had a really good time the whole week we were out.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


In these tough times here are some way I think you could save money$! First try to cut back on all the shopping! Only buy what you need to buy! Second don't go out to dinner all the time just eat at home with your family. Last but not least don't go places that are expensive. Do things with your friends or get a movie from redbox. That is some ways I think you can save some money around here.i got this pic from http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A9G_bHN5XMFJiPIAUymJzbkF?p=+cartoon+money&fr=yfp-t-113&ei=utf-8&vm=r&x=wrt&y=Search



Monday, March 16, 2009


Hi in blogging class we did this! what do you think?



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ugg and Bearpaw

Hi it's countrygirl123 and in blogging class today we have to write a post about comparing things the first product that I am comparing is UGG shoes to Bearpaw shoes.

First Product:UGG:

1.Really cute

2.Nice quality

3. Collections of all season

4. Have sheepskin

1. Really Exspensive

2. Don't get wet or you will ruin them

Second Product: Bearpaw:

2.Have sheep skin

1.Bad quality
2.Break down easy


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hi today in blogging class we have to make a picture in photoshop. I did a frog! A frog is one of my favorite animals.:) but the kind of frog i picked is poisonous.Thanks

Monday, March 2, 2009

Most fun thing i have done latley

The most fun thing I have done latley is I went and rode my horses with my friend Alex and my moms friends. It was really fun we went to a lake and rode around it. Then when we where done riding I got to jump on my tramp with Alex. We jumped until 8:00 pm, then we had to go in:( And that was my weekend I had a good time.
